
Wednesday, 30 May 2012

DSDN 171 - Blog 5

The Old Bank of New Zealand building stands tall on the corner of Cuba and Manners street and is a well-noticed and predominant building within the Wellington CBD. It was first constructed in 1913 by William Turnbull and contains many “exuberant appearances with large tympani, repetitive pediments, buttress-like pilasters and broken entablatures” (Norberg-Schulz, (1972,p184-185) which shows the Baroque from the building expresses. These features can be indentified with the Baroque style of architecture and is the 5th style bank building within Wellington with another being the Old Bank Arcade on Lampton Quay. Pillars lining the entrance stand strong indicating an entry point with numerous lion heads and other fine decorations around the outer walls linking back to the Baroque style as seen in the images. “The BNZ building in the centre of town has had the decorative impact of its elaborate pillars and pediments and fine plaster curls” (McGill, (1997,p129). Considering the buildings use in the past as a bank it was seen as a very strong place of power and authority, “Solidity evokes dignity, stability, security, and imposing and splendid facades have a great concern for concentrating ornament to give a convincing impression of power and wealth” (Norberg-Schulz, (1972,p97). The Baroque style is carried through with many features in this Old Bank Building and has maintained them through many years with only paint and interior tweaks being the only changes.


- Christian Norberg-Schulz. (1972). Baroque Architecture. Harry N. Abrams, Inc., New York
Retrieved from Te Waharoa Victoria University of Wellington Library

- David McGill. (1997). Landmarks – Notable Historic Buildings of New Zealand. Godwit Publishing Limited, New Zealand
Retrieved from Te Waharoa Victoria University of Wellington Library

Tuesday, 29 May 2012

DSDN 101 - Group Advert

This is our group advert for our company "Spot Cleaning"

200 Words About Our Ad:
Our company is Spot Cleaning; it is a carpet cleaning based company that guarantees you will have a clean carpet on the spot when you call. Our advertisement is showing the point of view of one of our workers cleaning and stopping at nothing to get your floor cleaned for you. Our slogan “When we clean your carpets you’re going to be floored” is carried through into this advertisement by having somebody being bumped into and being ‘Floored’ on the cleaners way through. This appeals to our target audience of a middle class and middle economic situation because it also shows we don’t use amazingly expensive products and it is very affordable for the class and people we are targeting. The main intention of our advert is to show the customers what our cleaners will do to get your floor spotless and also showing the speed at which they do it as well.  The sound accompanies the portrayal of speed at which our cleaners work and their proficiency. The ‘bam’ at the end is taken from a television advert to add some comedic influence into it. 

Members: Mathew Brunton , Chris Read , April Leckie

Wednesday, 23 May 2012

DSDN 101 - Project 3

Inspirational Clip / Idea

This is a good clip and idea showing the evolution of something over time especially products themselves.

Monday, 21 May 2012

DSDN 101 - Project 3

Stop Motion Trial:

This is my first trial with stop motion using a stencil. This relates to my idea of the evolution of the computer and experimented with the stencil media i was interested in using.

Sunday, 20 May 2012

DSDN 101 - Project 3

Group Brainstorming:

This is the group brainstorm we did on Industrial Design to gather ideas for our stop motion project.

Thursday, 10 May 2012

DSDN 171 - Blog 4

This model is constructed from polypropylene plastic and some braid thread weaved throughout it. It has incorporated the idea of a curved and straight line in its construction with having staggering bits of polypropylene being the straight line fanned out and curved to create a curvilinear look to it. Ultimately the straight lines of the polypropylene layer to create the curvilinear look rather than having anything curved put into the work. The inspiration for this model came from 2 images; one being the Mineta San Jose Airport building showing beautiful curves and layers of different parts of the building and the other being an image of a staircase showing a nice angle of layers and also repetition with staggering steps.

With the layers of polypropylene plastic on top of one another it creates a beautiful but subtle looking pattern and effect only as light is cast over it showing nice detail along with the curvilinear form it is in. The quote “Good design is obvious, Great design is transparent”[1] reinforces how the subtle design and pattern created by this light is a strong point and it being very subtle makes it stand out when light is cast. Another fine detail that is effective is the way the model is held together by the thin braid thread ultimately creates the curve in the model as well. This model has captured the essence of straight and curved lines and the fine detail like the transparency pattern are subtle yet effective.


Wednesday, 9 May 2012

DSDN 101 - Group Work Poster

This is our poster created in our DSDN 101 studio for "Spot Cleaning Company". We took the angle of making it a carpet cleaning service and made our slogan a pun at the same time to do with the carpet service.

Group Members:
Mathew Brunton
April Leckie
Chris Read

Sunday, 6 May 2012

DSDN 101 - Project 2

Final Flash Film:

This is my final film for the word Burst. There is a slight lag as the Bu and St go to lean which im unsure how this happened because in flash etc was working fine however nothing major and obvious. The majourity of the sound was made myself popping balloons a number of ways however the sound of blowing the balloon up was found and downloaded from

DSDN 101 - Project 2

Flash Developments:

I developed my storyboard futher that when the R gets increasingly bigger the other 2 sets of letters start to move away rather than just staying next to the R where they are. This gives some type of dominance as the R gets bigger the others are scared and move away.

After feedback recieved from the tutors i went back and shortened the explosion of the R and stopped the splitting of the R as shown. After this frame the R then disappears leaving the smaller R's to fly about the screen. This change just gave more emphasis to the pop at the top of the R.

After creating the pop of the R i went back and wanted something to show the significance of the R as it increases in size. I then edited the BU and ST to lean away from it as it pops. i thought this effect showed that the dominance was with the R as it was about to pop.

The final main development was the ending. I didnt really know how to end it and it just stopped after the pop so i thought that i would have a single R fall back down toward the other letters as they come back in to form the word Burst again excatly as it was at the beginning. I chose not to add sound in this part as the whole animation was noise and i thought it would be a good idea just to have a quiet end as the R fell down after the pop. 

DSDN 101 - Project 2

Final Storyboards:

This is my final concept for the word TNT with the T acting as a detonator switch triggering an expolsion.

This is my final storyboard concept for the word Teleport with the word dissapearing and re appearing around the screen to give the effect of teleportation. I had to redo this one at the last minute on the computer and not hand drawn because the one i had got water damage and was no longer readable to hand in.

This is my final storyboard concept for the word Burst which i have used to create my animation. Having the R inflate like its been blown up like a balloon then pop into smaller R's around the screen.

DSDN 101 - Project 2

Brainstorm Ideas:

This is my brainstorm ideas for the words Burst, Stumble and Rocket.

This is my brainstorm ideas for the words Teleport, Zigzag, Crumble. 

This is my final brainstorm ideas for the words Spiral and TNT.